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Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Shopping Kim
Stress is a major cause of both physical and mental illness. It is the culprit to most illnesses and diseases. The mind has the power to instruct the body into submission. All it takes is to willingly allow change to happen within yourself.
Here are the top five golden rules to follow for achieving a stress free life.
In This Post:
1. Surround Yourself With People You Love
What is the very essence of life? Love is. It goes beyond what most people perceive. Love nourishes the soul. It ushers in calm and tranquility inside the heart and soul. Real love promotes peace within the spirit. Love is not just about expressing it to others. It’s not just about paying respect to a higher power. To truly live a stress free life – one must surrender to love and its power to transform the mind.
Realistically, people get angry and upset. It’s okay to feel negative emotions. After all, to acknowledge and accept the dark side of oneself is healthy and authentic. To embrace negativity and inner pain is a huge part of the recovery. It is the road to acceptance, peace and love.
Love yourself first, then you can love others.
2. Change Your Train of Thought
The brain has the ultimate power and control over what you see and feel about your life and your surroundings. The mind has a funny way of creating images that seem real to oneself but unseen and misunderstood by others.
Perception and fantasies can play cruel tricks inside a confused mind. Attitude plays a huge factor in determining how happy or unhappy one can be.
For instance, the concept of failure is highly avoided by most people, as it is regarded as embarrassing and socially unacceptable within the norms of what society dictates. There is constant judgment bestowed upon one another and because of this, nobody takes risks. Because nobody is taking any risks, nobody is learning and growing.
Accept mistakes, accept failures and don’t be afraid of rejection. Instead of feeling ashamed of it, take it as a valuable life lesson. Losing is also winning. But to have this mindset, it takes the right headspace and the right attitude.
3. Do What You Want to Do
Through years of systematic indoctrination of rules, this particular golden law is a tough one to reconcile with. After all, everybody is bound by rules of law, religion and society.
A sure-fire way of being shunned by others is to rebel against the rules. But this should not stop anyone from pursuing their own dreams, desires, passions and goals in life.
The true meaning of freedom is believing in oneself and not caring about what others think. Break free from the opinions of others and uphold personal standards set by no one else.
4. Help Others
The best feeling in the world is being able to help others transform their lives for the better.
There are countless ways to serve humanity. Doing random acts of kindness can brighten someone’s shadow – simple things like keeping the elevator door open, giving up a seat for the elderly or paying for someone’s restaurant bill anonymously.
Get involved in charity groups and nonprofit organizations. These groups are very vital to helping others and maintaining them can be very challenging. All nonprofit organizations require non profit accounting which helps consolidate multiple entities, enforcing internal controls, fulfilling audits and compliance reports, manage finances and most importantly, to increase revenues. Nonprofits need to survive in order to continue its mission of helping others.
It is common sense to treat and operate a nonprofit group the same way as business people run a for-profit corporation. The difference between the two concepts are that for-profit companies need to maximize profitability while nonprofits aim to maximize impact to society.
5. Expand Your Knowledge
Be open to seeking out the truth. Let go of your ego and pride. Realize that the idea of the physical body and material things is not even close to what life truly offers. Going beyond what is simply seen by the eyes creates a certain sense of fulfillment and spiritual sense of wonder.
Read books on self-development. Watch documentaries and videos on personal growth and get enrolled agent prep course. Then set your mind to accepting knowledge and challenges everyday. Believe in the power of karma – what goes around comes around.
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In conclusion, it is easy to throw out a few of spiritual quotes and words of encouragement around to try to change a negative mindset. But merely sharing and expressing positive thoughts are not enough. Free the mind from overthinking and listen to that inner voice. Observe these five golden rules to a stress-free life, stick with it and you’ll feel a difference within you.